Saturday, September 13, 2008

Get in My Belly!

Uh oh spaghettioosss!

How About Them Cowobys?

This is me getting ready for my first Dallas Cowboy game of the season. I was practicing tackling the ball.

What's for dinner, Mom?

All this time I've been wondering what that big, white rectangle was in our kitchen. Well, I found out! It's a refridgerator and it's full of FOOD!! I love to look in it and find what I want for dinner.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lesson Plans

One day this week Mommy took me up to Daddy's work where we took our family picture for the football program. While we were waiting, I decided to check out Daddy's lesson plans for the week. He's a teacher, you know. Looks good Dad!

p.s. While I was in the coaching office, I decided to walk! Woo hoo!

We Won!

Family photo after the game

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My First Trip to Texas Stadium

Last night Daddy's first football game was at Texas Stadium. He played some team from PA. I"m glad to report that they won!! The score was 12-13. I had a fun time playing around and waving at people. I even waved at Daddy! When the game was all over I walked to him on the football field. Daddy was happy that I have walked where all those famous Cowboys have walked.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Giving Picasso a Run for His Money

This week I moved up into the BIG BOYs room at Day Care. Even though I'm not 1 yet, they'e letting me move anyway. It's so much fun in there! We paint, sing, listen to music, eat snacks and I even get to sleep on a mini cot instead of a crib. Wow! I feel like king of the world! Here is a picture of my first ever art project. I'm thinking of sending it to the Lourve. Surely they'll like it, right?

My New Ride

Today is a great day! Mommy bought me a cool, new toy. It's about time she got me my own set of wheels. I've got places to go and people to see!! I've noticed that Mommy hasn't been blogging much lately. She keeps talking about being "busy." I wonder what that means??? Oh well, I'm just happy cruising around the house with my new toy!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Newest Friend

This weekend my Aunt Alicia came to visit us and brought her big dog to see me. She is my newest friend! Her name is Indi - short for Indiana Jones. We were instant best friends when we shared cheese puffs. Indi sat so nicely and waited patiently while I fed her my extra puffs. Isn't she cute!!??

Monday, July 28, 2008

Look Ma, No Helmet!

Today was a big day for me. I graduated from wearing my DOC band! Really, I did - I have a graduation certificate and everything! The nice ladies at CranialTech were sad to see me leave, but I was pumped as I walked out of there feeling the breeze blow my hair. No more headband!! Now, Mommy and Daddy are a little concerned...they called my headband a crash helmet. I guess I need to start watching where I'm going. Guess what?! I also got to bring my helmet home along with the plaster mold of my head. It's amazing how much my head has changed. I knew I was working hard these past few months!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame...

Last week I attended my first ever Ranger Game. I was so excited as Mommy and Daddy met up with my friends Landree, Doug and Aimee. I knew exactly where we were going. Once we got to the Ballpark, we went straight to the gift shop where Daddy bought me a Kinsler t-shirt, Rangers cap and a baseball to commemorate my first trip. He says we'll be coming a lot more in the future! I can't wait!! The game was awesome. Landree and I hung out in the bleachers and watched the jumbo-tron. It was sweltering hot, but so worth it. A homerun was hit just 2 rows in front of us! Next time, I'll bring my glove so I can catch it. In the last inning, Hamilton hit a walk-off homer to win the game. The crowd went crazy as the fireworks shone in the sky. I can't wait to go back for more!

Birthday Partying with Grandpa

This is me and my Grandpa. He had a big birthday party and invited me! He doesn't look a day over 49 does he?

Monday, July 7, 2008

My Newest Trick

Look - I can climb the record time!

Welcome Home Aunt Alicia

I finally got to see my Aunt Alicia again this weekend. She's been out protecting our country in Iraq. I'm not sure shere Iraq is, but I think it's really far away. Anyways, Mommy and Daddy say she's really brave for what she does. I was so excited to see her! We played with the football while we were out at the lake. That made Daddy proud!

My first trip to the Lake

On July 4, Mommy and Daddy took me to Lake Tyler where all of Daddy's family was hanging out. I got to see my cousins and all my aunts and uncles and my Nana. I was so excited when Mommy got me all lotioned up and in the lake we went. I splashed and splashed and kicked my legs in the warm Texas lake. I knew better than to look in the water - who knows what was in there!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Piano Man

This weekend I traveled to Mimi and Grandpa's house for a big birthday celebration. While I was there I found the piano. What fun! I played and then clapped for myself. I'm a great pianist!

Friday, June 20, 2008

9 Months Old and All Grown Up

Last night Daddy took me to Buffalo Wild Wings for my 9 month birthday. Okay, maybe the real story is that Mommy had a late meeting and Daddy wanted the wings and took me along. I had so much fun. One of the waitresses gave me my first balloon. At first I didn't know what to do with it, but then I figured out balloons are the best toys ever! I'm ready for another boy's night out!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Three Little Ducks

One evening this past week, my mommy and daddy finally took me back to the pond to visit the ducks. This time we took some stale bread. Those ducks remembered me and came swimming all the way across the pond for our bread! They were so friendly. I love having ducks for friends.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Splashing Around

One afternoon after Mommy got home from work, she filled up my pool in the backyard. I had a great time splashing around with my toys. It's awesome to have a pool all to myself!

Little Tiger Woods

Today I decided to practice my golf swing. I don't want to embarass Grandpa when I come down to see him in a few weeks. I'm still having trouble hitting the ball. I guess I should just keep practicing!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Playdate with Skylar

I was so excited today when Skylar came over to play. I had no idea she was coming over! What a great surprise!!! We hung out in the kitchen and I showed her how to use the walker. She doesn't move quite as fast as me, but I have a feeling Jenn will be chasing her before long. I just hope Landree wasn't jealous....or Emily...or Tessa....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My First Snow Cone Ever!!

After dinner Mommy and Daddy took me to the Tiki Hut for my first snow cone!! Of course, mine was only ice - no flavor. They were saying something like "too much sugar" and "red dye" and "hyperactivity"... whatever...I bet Mimi and Nana will let me have a snow cone with flavor on it. I didn't really like the coldness too much, but I sure kept eating it. I can't wait to go back for another one!

Once Upon a Staircase

Saturday I was cruisin around the house when I came upon the stairs. I've been up them a million times, but never on my own. I took a look around and saw that Mommy was busy in the kitchen and Daddy was still sleeping. I knew I had a chance to try something new! So, up the first three stairs I went. Mommy let out a big gasp when she saw me up there. I just smiled my cute little smile...I hear that gets you out of trouble.

Friday, June 6, 2008

While Mommy was doing laudry.....

Today my mommy was busy putting up laundry in the closet. I found my way over to the big bath tub and pulled myself up so I was standing. Then I worked and worked on the water faucet trying to figure out how to make it work. Finally, I got the water going! I was so excited!!! Mommy doesn't know it, but I'm going to take a bath in her big tub one day...just you wait!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hottie at the Pool

I had a big weekend! I got to see my Mimi and Grandpa and I got to go check out the other babies at the neighborhood pool. Mommy and Daddy got me all soaked in sunscreen and then we hit the waves. Well, they weren't big waves, but I sure liked splashing in them. After I got tired of splashing, we ate a snack under the shade tree. I love snack time!! Being at the pool made me so sleepy that I was dreaming before I left the parking lot.

Monday, May 26, 2008

At Nana's House

Mommy and Daddy took me all the way to Nana's house this weekend. It was so fun! She lives in the country where the stars look so clear at night. I spent time playing with my cousins, Blake, Triniti and Logan. Of course, I played with Nana too. She got us grandkids a pool so we could splash around while my aunts and uncles played horseshoes. At first I didn't like the water, but then I realized it wasn't the water I didn't like - it was Triniti splashing and screaming all about that I didn't like. Once she got settled in, I decided the water was the best place to be on this hot day. We played and played. I was so exhausted from all the Nana and cousin fun that I fell asleep early and didn't wake up until 5:30 a.m. Then I ate and fell back asleep until 7:30. All that playing made me one tired little boy. I had such a fun time with my cousins. Blake and I are almost the same size now! We are going to be such a mess once Logan starts growing too. Watch out we come!

Fun with Furniture

Well, today I was crusin' the kitchen in my snazzy walker when I spied those interesting looking bar stools that mom has. She was busy putting away groceries so I decided to take a look at them up close. I was able to get one down on the ground before she came running my way. I figure the faster I get, the more cool stuff I can do before mom notices. Anyway, I really liked looking at the bar stools. In fact, I tried to take it into the living room, but mom stopped me in my tracks. But not before she took some pictures.....

My First Blog

So here I am on the Internet! Wow, I must be famous! After 8 long months I've finally talked mom and dad into letting me have my own blog site. I can't wait to tell you all the fun stuff I've been doing. Stay tuned for more fun times with TRB!